
Nike Football - Pro Genius Campaign


A series of mental training tools for Nike Football.

Cutting edge training tools to help young footballers improve the mental side of their game.


An overview of the project

This suite of tools was to be held within the Nike Football app, The tools were designed to train a teens; reaction time, decision making, and judgement. There were also two tools; priming and self-talk, designed to prepare the  user for an upcoming game.


Navigating to the tools

One of my tasks on this project was to look at how the user navigates to the tools from within the existing app, and will be able to find them again once returning in future.


Technical flows for counter attack

To understand the journey and screens needed from design, I created this flow as a discussion point. This flow would then be used by UX and Design to create the wireframes and screens needed.


Wireframing the experience

After working on the flow above, I started creating wireframes for each screen. The wireframes were prepared for design whilst the art direction was still being set.


Designs and dealing with translation

Once design had started, I changed into a supporting role for the team, one of my tasks was to create a screenflow that could be used for translation by the global markets.


Pre-tool screens mapped out for translation.

In-tool screens, including; onboarding and coach tips.

Post-tool screens set up for translation.


Prototype examples

I have created multiple prototypes through-out this project, from low to high fidelity. For some of the prototypes I was given PSD's that I had to cut up into assets and rebuild in Flinto before adding the interactions.


An illustration of how the rep counter should animate when swiping between levels.

A prototype visualising the journey for new users into the tool.



Design Week awards: June 2017

WINNER: App design

Creative Circle: May 2017 - ProGenius

SILVER: Best Mobile App/Games

Drum MOMA Awards: May 2017

NOMINEE: Pro Genius - Travel/Leisure/Sports Mobile Strategy/Campaign

Clio Sports: May 2017

SILVER: Nike Football Pro Genius - Digital/Mobile: Apps

BRONZE: Nike Football Pro Genius - Direct: Digital/Mobile

New York Festivals: May 2017

THIRD PRIZE AWARD: Nike Football Pro Genius BEST USE OF MEDIA: Integrated - Digital

FINALIST: Nike Football Pro Genius MOBILE MARKETING: Service - Games

FINALIST: Nike Football Pro Genius BRANDED ENTERTAINMENT: Products & Services - Travel, Tourism & Leisure

Andy Awards:

SHORTLIST: Nike Football Pro Genius: Category – Integrated – Toys, Games & Sports

The One Show Awards:

MERIT: Pro Genius: Design – Digital

The Drum Design Awards

GOLD: Pro Genius – Mobile/App Design

ADC Awards:

BRONZE: Nike Football Pro Genius Digital - Sports

Creative Review – The Annual: March 2017

IN BOOK: Pro Genius: Digital – Apps

Eurobest Awards: December 2016

SHORTLIST: Pro Genius: Digital Craft – User Experience Design

SHORTLIST: Pro Genius: Interactive – Integrated Multi-Platform Campaign (Online and Offline)

IAB Creative Showcase (entered, awaiting final results)

WINNER: Pro-Genius - Most Made for Mobile

Ciclope Awards: November 2016

GOLD: Nike Pro Genius – App

Shots Awards: November 2016

BRONZE: Nike Pro Genius – Interactive Campaign of the Year