Inheriting an award winning app.
Picking up the Glitch app, the challenge was to implement new functionality and prepare for app launches in Paris and the US.
Implementing new functionality
I worked closely with the Lead Designer on the project to pick up on functionality that had been started by the team to implement client feedback and to help push the solution to be the best.
I picked up wireframes that had previously been created to save time and this was then put into a deck to present back to client over multiple rounds of feedback.
Documenting flows
For the new functionality, whilst the designer was creating screens, I was working on the flows for MVP and the future release of the app.
This broke down exclusive products and in-app only releases to reward the Glitch community based on their interaction with the app so far.
Prototyping functionality
As we designed and improved functionality, I created prototypes to visualise the interactions for the client and offshore developers.